My Honest Message to You

This is one of those mornings that I just want to write from the heart. It is my desire as I sit here that I will be able to write with total honesty and emotions exactly the way I feel. That sounds as though it should be simple but the mere humanity in us does not allow our true thoughts to escape the cerebral recesses of which they hide. In the depth of our soul we think one way but our conditioned character shuns those thoughts from the conscience awareness of self. Let me see if I can let go and let my mind share what my heart stirs.

It is no secret that I love to talk about togetherness, acceptance, peace, love, forgiveness, and all the things that build bridges and not walls. On the surface it would seem as though that is a natural way for us to feel, and it is, but we are trained throughout life to dig huge valleys of division instead of beautiful bridges of unity. It is a sad phenomenon because so many people suffer with a lack of acceptance and that drives them to try to be someone whom they are not.

I have written more blogs than I can remember about how many of our religious institutions scatter a human debris field all over creation and never even realize that they do it. There are so many that truly get LEFT BEHIND simply because they do not fit the mold of what churches think they should fit. That is what makes the Gospel of Christ so intriguing, he was a living breathing model of peace, love, forgiveness, and acceptance. He was exactly what most churches are not. I know that is painful to hear and it probably does not make any sense to those that are on the outside looking in.

Our faith and spiritual development is so much more important than our religious formation yet NO ONE will ever have the courage to tell you that. I told you I am writing from the heart this morning and I am trying to do so with total honesty. I have seen time and time again how our so called Christ centered religions cast out, leave out, or shut out people that for what ever reason do not fit the cookie cutter mold of which they claim is the ONLY WAY.

Now that I have been writing this blog for several years and I have heard from literally thousands of people I realize that there is validity in why people are leaving their churches. Believe me I am not a proponent of people leaving churches, nor do I encourage it, what I do encourage is for people to find the means to explore their natural born faith and spirituality. Remember you were born out of love which means love is all you knew until you learned how to hate, how to be prejudice, how to use power, how to divide instead of unite, you basically learned the way of the world not the way of God. Think about that for a minute.

Are you on the outside looking in? I bet your life is not perfect by any stretch, maybe you have been divorced, maybe you filed bankruptcy, maybe you have a criminal record, maybe you are gay, maybe you are this, that or the  other. How about this JUST MAYBE YOU ARE A WONDERFUL PERSON THAT HAS SO MUCH TO OFFER IF YOU WERE JUST ACCEPTED INSTEAD OF REJECTED.

With all that being said change has to occur and the only person that can facilitate change is you (me). We have to learn to put aside our differences and find ways to build bridges. Stop trying to fit the cookie cutter mold of which society has cast for you and try once just to be who you are. You were born an original, and like art, originals are worth so much more than copies. In  a world full of reproductions let's see what happens when we allow our originality to gracefully shine through. This only works when you have the courage to be who you are with love in your heart. Regardless how others treat you, treat them love and respect. We cannot see life through anyone else's eyes so please never assume why they act the way they act. You can make a huge impact on the world around you simply by choosing to be you and to love others for them being who they are. Let's get started, we have walls to tear down and bridges to build.

peace to you


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