Heart of Humanity

I love to read, especially books that can inspire my life as well as keep me heading in a positive direction. I often recommend books to people that I feel will help them see life through a better set of lenses. It has always been my thought that if we could train our mind to see the good in everything that life would have to have a significantly better chance of being happy and productive.

I learned years ago that I could not predict what makes us do and think the things we do. I am a believer though that our environmental conditioning holds more influence than our genes. It is our experiences that divides our heart and soul between selfish and love. That aside though lately I have had the honor to come in contact with people that offer an array of emotions that have imbued my senses in ways that challenged me. I have met wonderful faithful spiritual people that are facing life challenges that make them question their own beliefs. I have met others that seem to be graced with miracles yet they hold every imaginable condemnation and cynicism known to humanity. I love the exploration of trying to understand that which has no human explanation. It could leave my own heart, soul, and mind filled to the brim with doubt and anger or it could be honed to focus on the hope, love, and happiness.

I mentioned books at the beginning of this random blog post. Recently I read a book entitled "If Good Men Do Nothing", written by an author most people are not familiar with, J.E. Parker. Mr Parker takes us on a journey that stimulates us to a level of thinking that can provide hope and despair. The best part though is how he brings it all to a climatic ending that shows that good does have a place in our lives. We can't sit on the sidelines of life and expect life to get better. We have to go out and live it.

The Greatest Miracle in the World by Og Mandino is a book that paves the way for the heart to regain hope in an otherwise hopeless world. It is a refocus a reexamination of who and where we think we are. It drives home the point that we all have God dwelling in us.

Books, like positive people, have a way of helping life make sense when it otherwise would not. I do realize at this point many folks would say to simply read the Bible. I will interject here and now that I love to read the Bible and would always recommend doing so. But I would also say that beings that they Bible has a certain mystique about it that drives people away before it pulls them in, reading other positive spiritual books may just be the ember they need to create the flame.

Where are the blessings in life? They reside in the commonality of our daily habits. The blessings are in the people you meet, whether you think they are good or bad. Every person you come in contact with has something to teach you. Every person you touch has a level of good in them that you cannot recognize with the selfish eye. Love conquers all, is a true statement. You can't move the world in a peaceful direction by sharing with others hate and division.

Let your life preach more loudly than your lips and let your image portray hope and not hate. I have no idea where you are emotionally or spiritually in your life, but what I do know is this, the more we focus on the good the more good we will find. The way you see the world creates the world in which you see. Choose to see the good and the good will set you free. Hate is a bondage that enslaves so much more than you, it eats away at everyone you come in contact with. Choose happiness by choosing life. Life is precious to those who choose to live it with joy and love in their hearts.

peace to you


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