The Power of Peace

As I prepared to write a blog about judgmental people, I was led into a direction I did not expect. From the emails, face to face conversation, coincidental encounters, to divine intervention something dramatic changed what I was going to write. I discovered in my preparation that in speaking out about judgmental people I was in fact being judgmental. Instead, i found that sharing ideas and thoughts about the power of peace can and will move people into a positive direction.

Sure we are all different, in fact we are so diverse as individuals that even the mere hint of judgment would be out of line with the peace and love of God. With that being said, I do however think that our environmental conditioning has formed our conscience minds in such a way that we have lost sight of the distinguishable variants we as human have that separates us from each other. If God had wanted us to be the same, I believe he would have used a mold and compartmentalized us into robotic beings that had no emotion for peace or love.

When the art of judging manifests itself, it could in fact be a person that is reaching out for that power of peace that all too often eludes us as we stroll through our over stressed lives. I have learned something over the last few years as write this blog and hear your responses. People that exude peace, love, warmth, and forgiveness are seldom if ever judged as harshly as others claim they are. As much as peace promotes peace, hate also promotes hate.

Think about this, if you constantly complain about your life, you will most likely find a support network that also complains about theirs. Complaining will not somehow magically transform your life BUT the promotion of peace, love, and acceptance will. What we do not know, nor will we likely ever know, is the battles that are raging in other peoples lives. We think we know, but the stark reality is that we have no idea. When we choose to judge instead of accept we divide ourselves from the very God that created our individuality. There really isn't a need for public humiliation or gossip, but there is a need to share a sign of peace.

Consider parents that try to choose what profession their kids will enter, what school they will go to, where they will live, or what religion they will associate with. That robs people of their freedom for life as well as removes from the world the uniqueness of who that person would have been. What would or could happen if we could freely choose without condemnation the being that inhabits our body but fears to escape. I think when we try to force what someone will become goes against the reason God created us in the first place. If we believe we were created out of love, then let's share that love as best we can by promoting peace and acceptance.

The power of peace promotes the power of love which in turn promotes the awesome power of God. We judge because we fail to understand the person of whom we choose to judge. People are not good or bad, people make decisions that do not line up with your value system and they get labeled as bad. That starts the ball rolling and before you know it the power of peace is gone and replaced with a cynical person that has lost their zest for life. Sounds familiar, doesn't it?

If you read the Gospels you will see over and over that Jesus chose very radical and different people to share and expand his Word. These were people from all walks of life. They were hated, judged, sinners, criminals, murderers, adulterers, they were HUMAN beings created just like you and I from a God that loves us. Instead of judging these people harshly, Jesus transformed their hearts with his power of peace, love, and acceptance. This is a lesson for all of us, especially churches that have a list of cast out Christians that is longer than it's current membership roll.

The power of peace is not something that starts with the person next door, it starts with you. Learn to love and accept people for who and where they are. With the power of peace and love you will be amazed at how people will find the courage to be the miracle they were created to be. The next cure for cancer, the next great invention, or the next great wave of human love is all waiting to be released by accepting the differences of God's most amazing creations.

In closing, this is not a religious blog post, it is simply thoughts I have gathered over the last couple years. Many from my experience as I traversed through a religious enlightenment of my own and many from you sharing your experiences. My conclusion was that judging people or being the victim of being judged should be turned or twisted into an opportunity to promote peace and love. Instead of harshly defending simply love people for what they believe and remember most of the time it is better to be kind or be quiet. The power of peace starts with each of us, so I better get moving.

peace and love


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