Holy Grail

This week I have spent many days with my video messages discussing the value of finding and being who we are. In a world that gives us the ability to be just about anything we choose, so often our selection is to be someone other than who we were created to be. That choice places us on the long and winding road of life with no particular place to go. Let's explore this for a few minutes.

I am who I am and nothing nor anyone can change that. I live my life on my terms regardless what others think. My guess is that you have used those worn out cliches a few times or you might even use the old tried and true "I don't care what others think about me". These are all statements that at one point in time we have called on to justify our actions or lack there of. They have no place in our lives other than to help us create excuses as to why we are where are.

As you know or may have heard me say before, God created us as unique as the snowflake. There is no one on earth that is better at being you than you. That must make our creator tilt his head and wonder why we spend so much time trying to be someone else that we never get to appreciate the amazing awesome person we were born to be. I do realize as I write this that life has a way of tearing us down, chewing us up, and spiting us out. This is no easy journey getting from birth to death. However that in between road is called life and that is what we are called to live. For some the road is short and some it is long, but that is of no significance. The goal isn't to extent our life it is to live our life to the fullest which in and of itself will extent it.

Sometimes I think simply living is an albatross that we struggle to deal with. It is so much easier to give in and conform than it is to find the strength to blaze a new trail. My gut tells me that God is okay if we can't do GREAT BIG THINGS however we can all do GREAT little things. When that heart felt tug is pulling you in a direction opposite than the one you are going it is time to take notice. Very seldom will a well formed conscience lead us down the wrong road. God placed in us the ability to navigate the landscape of life, however that ability is easily lost when we fail to use the talents inherent in us. You see God did not create you or I to be like anyone else. We were not born to conform and we sure as heck were not born to fit in. We were born to stand out, but how do we do it.

I have spent years looking for the Holy Grail of life or Man's Search for Meaning. At each juncture when I felt as though I had arrived at a destination point I realized that all I had done was walk the path others had trodden. I was not unique, I was not special, I didn't even have a clue where I was going which meant I had no way of knowing if I had arrived. When our lives are spent as a passenger instead of pilot our focus is more peripheral than straight ahead. We can't climb the mountains of life by looking sideways or down, we must look up and forward.

Trust me when I say that I know how difficult it is when we are beat down to the point of defeat. The last thing on your mind is trying to climb another mountain or blaze a new trail. I think we have all faced those quarters in life to where we are simply trying to survive to half time or hope and pray that the game will soon be over. It isn't easy being one of God's children. Heck it isn't easy trying to figure out whether to fold or play. Life is a series of variables yet there are some absolutes we can cling too. God created each of us to be his greatest miracle. That miracle takes our commitment to see it come alive. Without us tag teaming with our creator life will always be a merry go round with no direction other than spinning. Our task is to make a difference, not just in our life but in the lives of many. We were created to love people, not conform them. Love comforts the deepest wounds humanity can inflict. When we understand that love is the one trait that makes us stand alone then and only then can we begin to feel and appreciate the person looking back from the glass. It is time we live our lives through the windshield not the rear view mirror. It is time that each of us stops living in the footsteps of others and we start building our own road brick by brick. That road one day will lead us as well as encourage others to stand up and be counted.

Life can be worth living, and it can have passion and purpose. We must let go of all the things that weigh us down or hold us back. Those may be the hardest decisions you will ever face yet it is so worth it once you feel the freedom from making a step in the right direction. You are endowed with the seeds of greatness which means that the seeds you sow today you will harvest tomorrow. Life may not be easy but it isn't finished either. If you are still alive your work on earth isn't finished. God gave us a second chance and it is called the present. Take that new opportunity to let go of all the negatives in your life and minute by minute, day by day, allow the love and warmth of your being to steer your humanity back on the path towards hope. Regardless what yesterday held, tomorrow holds something greater. All you have to do is choose to live your life as the beautiful mosaic God created instead of the cheap copy the world has tried to sell you.

peace and love


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