Random Acts of Kindness

I have been thinking a lot about paying it forward and sharing random acts of kindness. I have concluded that being kind creates an endless gift. Which brings me to showing compassion. If you want to lift someone up, be compassionate, if you need an uplift yourself, be compassionate. Being kind, loving, and compassionate has more healing power than we could ever imagine. Wonder why it isn't prescribed very often?

We live in such a world of polarity that it becomes sad that we focus so much on our differences that we lose sight of our humanity. Being kind should not come with conditions it should simply be who we are. Even though the world around us may have walls so high that we cannot see the light of day, we can however be the sparkle that can let the sunshine in and the walls to come down. Please do not get so caught up in the things YOU THINK divide you from others that you forget the one thing that unites us. What is it that brings us together? The simple fact that we are a living breathing entity of God. That in and of itself should foster an air of LOVE that no one can break.

Think for a minute about the things that create bitter emotions inside you. It can be something as minor as someone pulling out in front of you in traffic. For that split second your blood pressure goes sky high and out of your mouth comes a few choice words that are probably best no one else heard. Now as you give thought to your own little scenarios that drive you to moments of insanity consider this, when others sin against us we demand justice, but when we sin against others we seek forgiveness. You see, one moment of patience in a moment of anger can save a lifetime of regret.

I shared that with you to bring you back to the original conversations which is acts of kindness. When we condition ourselves daily to be kind we create a ripple effect that spreads literally to places you never imagined. Paying it forward with random acts of kindness, love, and compassion will in fact stimulate inside you a warmth that will change lives for years to come. It is my sincere hope that you and I both stop looking at the things that divide and shift our focus to what can unite us. It seems obvious that bitterness, hate, anger, jealousy, and bigotry do nothing to bring people together. However I have a feeling that if we could learn to respect our cultural differences and allow all people the right to live without prejudice that we could enjoy the love God created inside us. We can't wait for others to love us, we must initiate that love ourselves. Remember kindness creates an endless gift, not just for others but for ourselves also. You want to have a positive change in your life? Learn to be kind for no reason, pay it forward every opportunity you can, promote peace and compassion and watch the world around you change for the better. The way we see the world, is not the way the world is, it is the way we are. I choose to see the world as beautiful and kind.

peace be with you


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