Difficult Roads, Beautiful Destinations

Today started like any other Sunday for me. I get up read the news, run five miles, pay some bills, write a blog, go to church, hit the gym, answer emails, and rest. The exception to that today was to write my blog. I remember three years ago when I switched my writing style to one of integrity verses one of popular opinion. Lately I have noticed that I slipped back a bit into writing that which I felt people desired to hear. I didn't totally leave my own thoughts and opinions out I just didn't infuse it into my writing 100%. I decided to shun media popular subjects and go back to writing my blog. It is so easy to get caught up in the news of the day that we forget to live our lives. Beings that we live in an age of instant news we usually only hear the negative. Then to make matters worse people are more than happy to share that negative on social media using their own negative commentary to enhance the bitterness already being delivered. Today's blog is just my thoughts, nothing more, nothing less.

The life questions keep lingering yet the answers stay as aloof as ever before. Why does time pass so fast? Why do some people seem to suffer more than others, why are masses of the population dying in third world countries, why are some people born crippled while others are not? The list of life questions is as endless as the answers we seek. Your answers to life questions are anchored by your current plight as well as your own environmental development. For some life may be on cruise control and the problems of others is just a mere thought that can be dealt with by volunteering or donating money to a cause. For others that are in the midst of a life crisis it may seem as though it is a lonely time and that no one can shoulder the burden but you. The last thing these people want to hear is Bible thumping know it all's that simply desire to share the good news then leave feelings as though they have done the work of the Lord. I have said many times that compassion cures more sin than condemnation and I have been condemned for making such a statement. My heart, mind, and soul tells me that God created us to love one another, not find fault so as to condemn. 

I work very hard to focus all my energy on being positive. I always choose to find the good in everything. Even when storms are approaching I still seek solace by remaining calm. I refuse to judge people or their actions because I can't see life through their eyes. A prime example of that happened to me just this week. We were unloading at a catering event only to find out that another catering company was already there. I admit when my team called I was a bit put out. I checked my calendar and my communication with the company to verify that our date was in fact correct, and it was. I called the company to ask what the heck had happened. The lady I spoke with, whom I consider a friend was very apologetic for the double booking. She shared with me that the day she sent the email minutes later she got a call that her brother had died and she simply forgot to write the date down. Noticing that the date was open on her calendar another team member booked the date with another company. When she told me that everything changed. My blood pressure, which was up, immediately came down and I found myself being the comforter to her. I felt that it was divine intervention that created those unfortunate circumstances. What was at first a tense situation quickly became one of love and support. 

It goes to show that things are not always what they seem. In the darkest of times there is a light shining. Your mind and your heart are your instrument, learn to be it's master not it's slave. When we seek to find the good in what seems like a bad situation we are masters of the heart, mind, and soul God entrusted us with. That encounter taught me that the world is changed by our example not our opinion. I realized that my whole team had eyes on me wondering if I was going to lash out in anger at the company that double booked a date. When they saw that I used compassion instead it solidified that which I always say. Things are not what they seem and love does comfort the deepest wounds. 

Even though I am going back to writing from the heart and as I sit here with absolutely no direction for this blog I am reminded of a wonderful quote, "believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact."

Life teaches us to be kind for everyone we meet is fighting a battle we are unaware of. For some it is an identity crisis, for others it could be a health, relationship, or financial crisis, or there are some that have serious issues with their own faith and spirituality. Life isn't easy and it is made more complex by those who freely share their own belief system without considering what the person they are speaking to is facing. Our lives much preach more loudly than our lips and we must always speak in such a way that others love to listen to us, however just as important we must listen in such a way that others love to speak to us. 

Remember as you traverse this life, keep going, difficult roads can lead to beautiful destinations. If you want peace of mind, do not find fault in others, rather learn to see your own faults. In closing I would like to say this, no matter how good or bad you think life is, wake up each day and be thankful for life. Someone somewhere else is fighting to survive. 

peace to you


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