Donald Trump

I am probably one of the most non political people you will ever meet. Not that I do not care about how and who runs our country, I just do not enjoy engaging in the negative conversations that go with the political season. But on the flip side I do love to write blogs and I am always looking for something fun and refreshing to write about. This morning I decided to intertwine my love for life into the threads of politics and religion and see what happens. This should be an entertaining ride so buckle up.

It's hard to believe how people's personalities change during election season. I recall so vividly the last few elections when family and friend would share with me that the world as we know it would end if this or that person were elected. They would always conclude their diatribe by asking me what I was going to do if the election went the wrong way. My answer was the same then as it is now. I will cast my vote because it is my duty as an American, however regardless who wins I will still get up and go to work the next day as always and guess what, we will still be here in four years to do it again. The election drama has been going on since the beginning of American history. I admit I love the passion and fodder that comes with the political arena. Just think what we could do if we used all the energy being negatively tossed around during election cycles in positive ways, heck we could change the world for the better. Oh well that would take the human drama aspect out of it.

Switching gears for a moment. The things you can't see in my blogs is what goes into them. I have written and deleted for three hours this morning because things kept finding their way into my brain. Yesterday I spent a few minutes with a lady that had just gotten the word from her doctor that her cancer had come back. Do you think she was concerned at all about the political issues of the day? Absolutely not, her thoughts were on why me, why now, what can I do, why weren't my prayers answered, etc. As much as I want to share my non political thoughts I keep getting a dose of reality that brings me back to earth. This morning as I was writing I was chatting with a friend that also got the news that his cancer had returned. It is as if every direction I turned lead me away from the negatives of what I was writing and into what life truly is. I was awakened to the fact that politics is like WWE, the entertainers go out shouting what they will do if elected knowing all too well that they can't do anything they promise, all the while life goes on for the people struggling for hope and fighting to live one more day.

I did not intend to write that last paragraph it just came out, but it was also a reminder to me and everyone that there is a life outside of politics. I recall visiting with a young lady a few weeks ago that was battling stage four ovarian cancer. We talked at length about her faith and religion. She had the same questions we all do and for the first time in her life she empowered herself to not only ask the questions with courage but to seek the answers. The answers were not political trust me. Nor were they biblical. Did she have faith? Damn right she did, more than most people. Did she want to live? No doubt about that either. What made her different than any of us? Honestly nothing. She just found the courage to go after the answers that had eluded so many for so long. Religion was not and is not the Holy Grail to Heaven. The Bible did not fall out of the sky nor was it written by God. Our conversation were so open, warm, and refreshing. She did however agree that the Bible gave her hope and direction when she was able to read it in a manner that was positive and filled with love. Her eyes were opened to the fact that peace, love, and forgiveness are the driving forces that make life worth living. She made the conscience decision to no longer listen to people that used the Bible and their religion to promote platforms outside the realms of love. She believed as I do that our God is a God of love. He loves all regardless what others think or believe.

Back to the original theme of the blog. Do not allow politics to be your dividing force between you and family or friends. Your views may not match their views but guess what, it's okay. The world IS NOT COMING TO AN END if your candidate does not get elected. The Anti Christ as mentioned in the Bible is not one of our current leaders. Well it can't be because supposedly every generation since Christ ascended into Heaven has witnessed the Anti Christ. I write this off the wall stuff not to bring division but to build bridges. I want everyone to live their lives with faith. You do not need people shouting end time prophecies for you to come to your senses, so to speak. All we need is realize that we are God's greatest creation and that the world will be so much better when we are able to give our passionate contribution to it. We do not need to live the life others deem we should, nor should we feel pressure to vote a certain way or worship a certain way. God instilled in each of us the ability to find his love. Once that love has been located then we can allow it to manifest itself in such a way that it lifts people up not pushes them down.

If you believe Angels are in our midst, as I do, then consider the possibility that they may exist in the most unthinkable places or inhabit people you may think are terrible. I do not have all the answers to life questions but I do believe this passionately. I believe that everyone we meet has something to teach us about God and ourselves. I believe all circumstances we face or encounter can give us the wisdom to make the rest of our life the best of our life. I believe whole heartily that when we step out of the tired worn out cliches of politics and religion that we will find a life that allows us to be the best we can be. You are God's greatest miracle and the potential inside you is unbelievable.  Try not to get caught up in doom and gloom. As I have said for months I believe that we are about to enter a renaissance of love like the world has never seen. This is not the apocalypse, no we ARE NOT in end times, we are in a time of amazing hope and love. Embrace who you are and go forward knowing that your best is yet to come.

Just think you thought I would be writing about Donald Trump!! Go ahead smile, life is good.

peace and love


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