Good News

Earlier this week I mentioned that I was going to write my next blog about “How Safe the World really is”. With that being said I would like to share some information about our humanity that we struggle to escape from and that is the attention we place on bad news. The media makes it's money, which by the way isn't a bad thing, on selling advertising. The bad thing is that we buy what they are selling. The best way to sell advertising is to have lots of viewers and the best way to have lots of viewers is to have content they will watch, hence BAD NEWS.

We frequently see headlines like “The Storm of the Century” or “The Financial Collapse of the World” or even better “The End is Near”. All of these headlines draw you in much more so than the millions of great positive things happening in our communities every day. As long as these negative headlines sell we will not be exposed to good news. Now let's take a look at free media for a moment. Scroll through your Facebook or Twitter feeds and see what gets your attention. Sure you may stop and read something funny but what we look for is the gossip or juice we missed the hour before. Nothing better than finding some bad news that we can freely share with others. All the sudden everyone is saying “Hey did you hear about such and such”. Not only does the news media love to promote negative news we as human may love it even more. Heck you may even be one that loves to post negative bad news.

The problem with always thinking the world is terrible is that it robs us of our joy. When we allow our lives to be controlled to the point we start to believe that the world is going to hell in a hand basket we no longer have the ability to see the awesome beauty of God's creation that is all around us. Stay with me for a few more minutes. I realize that this isn't negative enough and it goes against the conditioning that are inundated with but I believe I can make my point.

Without question there are terrible things that happen in the world we inhabit and I will never make light of that. When a horrific event occurs lives are impacted in ways that are hard to imagine. In those incidents communities should come together in love and heal what is broken. The human spirit has an amazing ability to give us strength, love, and courage exactly when we need it the most. We should not allow a media driven society so focused on negatives to steal that from us.

Hopefully I have set the stage, now I would like to add content, fact, and yes my thoughts and opinions. I encourage everyone that takes the time to read this to do a fact check instead of believing or not believing what I write. Did you know that globally the world is safer now than it has been in centuries? Did you know that war deaths are lower than they have been in decades? Did you know that as a human species we are healthier now than ever before in history? Did you know that world wide we are better able to feed the poor than we ever have been?

Please understand, and I am not faulting anyone, the media and us as humans tend to focus more on singular events that we sensationalize more so than the collective account of statistical facts. Before anyone goes crazy with negative comments let me disclaim something. I am not implying that we should minimize the bad things that happen in peoples lives, that is not the basis of this blog. What I am trying to write about is the impact negative news has on our lives and how much joy it takes away from our us.

Looking back a few years here in America at things that have gained headlines. Did you happen to read the news feeds on social media during the Ebola out break? Everyone was blaming the government and warning us that God was sending us a message. Do me a favor and check the facts on Ebola. Yes it is a horrible disease as is cancer, which by the way I am a stage four survivor, however we lose more lives to the flu in one day than we lost to Ebola in one year. Wonder why the news media sensationalized it so much?

If you look at news and not facts you would think our schools in America are not safe, when in fact they are the safest place for our children. I also did a fact check on police officer deaths and assaults and was surprised to find out that it too is declining rapidly. We could go on and on about this but I want to focus more on good news and the impact it would have on our lives if we would spend as much time promoting it as we do promoting the negative.

Life was meant to be enjoyed and to do so we must allow peace, love, forgiveness, and fun back into our daily routines. Bad things will always happen to us because we are human. We are creatures that sin, we make mistakes, we take chances, we fall, we stumble, BUT we also have the human characteristic that gives us the ability to reach out and lift people up when they are down. It is so important for our growth as a society to reward people for taking risk, to reaching for new heights, trying the things that we deem impossible. We should encourage people to step out of their comfort zones because that is where great things happen. When we live our lives in cocoons we will never be beautiful butterflies. God made is to do great things and we should find every opportunity to do so.

Beings that I try not to get caught up in too much doom and gloom I almost forgot this. I often tell people that worry is a down payment on a problem that may never happen. Since we are in election season you will hear everything under the sun about how TERRIBLE things are, keeping in mind that is the only way someone thinks they can get elected. You will have people, maybe yourself included that will believe that in the event your candidate does not get elected the world as we know it is coming to an end. Do a fact check for me please, Read the propaganda from all elections as far back as the 18th century, you will be amazed how much the messages have not changed. News media, churches, and yes even us tend to promote what MIGHT happen if such and such happens. Let's stop living our lives with what might happen and simply go out and live. Sometimes in our pursuit of happiness we must pause and just be happy.

One last thing, and yes I saved the best for last. I love God, I am a Christian and proud of it. I do not preach THE END IS NEAR or Jesus is coming soon. Why? Because that exact same message has been preached over and over for 2000 years. I love to read end time prophecy from the first thousand years of Christian history. Every generation has preached that the end is near. Here is a wonderful fact that you do not even have to research 100% of the time they have been wrong. Now hear me clearly again, I am not advocating going out and living a life as if our actions have no consequences. Matter of fact I am advocating just going out and living your life that God gave you in such a way that you can enjoy every moment possible. We were giving this life as God's greatest gift to us what we do with it is our gift back to God. I do not know this factually but my heart and soul tells me that we were not put here to be unhappy we were put here to enjoy that which we have been entrusted.

Please do not get caught up in the sensational news of the day as though it is a warning or message from God. We as humans have always and will always find ways for love to prevail over evil. I do believe in the power of prayer for wisdom and I do love to read The Bible and other great works that promote the power of positive thinking. We can either live or lives in fear by listening to the major disconnect with the people in the pulpit with the people in the pews. No longer should we accept being told to hate others or that this group of people are going to hell. Personally I think Jesus informs us that we ALL are sinners so if that is the fact that I believe I will not spend my time informing you or others of your sin. I will focus on making my life better so I can do more to become a better person to my family, community, country, and yes the world. Collectively I believe the power of living a life of joy can do more for us than believing all the negative that is being spouted every direction we turn.

While it can be argued that blindly endowing trust on everyone might lead to catastrophe, this exaggerated position is the result of a false choice.  Simply choosing to be more trusting doesn’t mean that we no longer trust our intuition, not that we fail to do due diligence.  It merely means that those actions are done from a place of hopefulness, rather than cynicism.  And while the larger filter may on occasion allow a committed deceiver to slip by our radar, it also means it is far more likely we are attracting into our lives those people and circumstances that will enable us to create the lives of our dreams.

Now that I have spent enough time writing I think I will go have some fun and enjoy this amazing finite life in which I have. Along the way I hope and pray I encounter someone that needs a smile or helping hand.

Peace be with you



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