Unleash your Potential

There comes a point in time that you have to stop living in potential and start living up to your potential. Somewhere in the annals of time you absolutely must make your move. You can spend a lifetime making excuses, planning, studying, waiting, analyzing, pondering, or procrastinating, but someday you have to step out of that comfort zone and live the amazing life that awaits you.
I recorded a video a couple weeks back called "Unleash your potential", I will ask you to stop for three minutes right now and listen to it. This is your life and you deserve to reach the heights of awe and wonder. Let the journey begin.

Have you ever wondered what your potential even is? You need look no further than the hopes and dreams that reside in your mind. I remember many years ago reading about a major university that decided to study the vision and dreams of a group of six grade kids. They gave each child a piece of notebook paper and ask them what they dreamed of being when they grew up. The results were astounding. Most of the children filled up the front of the paper with many flipping it over and writing on the back. These kids were our future and had HUGE dreams of making an impact on the world in a positive way. The next week this study group decided to invite the parents of the kids to come to school and participate in the same activity. They gave the parents a piece of paper and ask them to write their vision, hopes, and dreams for their future. Sad to say the average adult listed only two items.

What happened to the potential in these people from youth to adulthood? My guess is this, I believe they fell victim to society and familial pressure to be responsible adults. They were taught that to be the best stewards to your family you must plan conservatively for the future. Their potential was lost. The dreams shattered, the hopes gone.

Let me be clear about something. As adult parents we absolutely must be responsible for the wellbeing of our family. However that does not mean that we have to give up on the youthful energy that drove our curiosity so many years ago. The great paradox of life isn't it? Life is an amazing thing, the moment we decide to live it to it's fullest potential. There is so much music inside that will likely go unsung due to the fact that our conditioning teaches us our limits.

It is time we tear down the walls that we have allowed to be built in our lives. We must break the proverbial paradigm and unleash the potential that without a doubt dwells within us. We all have that wild at heart mentality. God placed that rousing specter of curiosity at the surface of our soul. Over the years it gets tapped down so low that it becomes a brick that seems near impossible to penetrate. My instinct tells me that you want to rise up, live again, be free, find the magic in life that you dream about.

I recall several years back my son and I were doing a three mile run. My son was only ten at the time but already a good little runner. Off in the distance I noticed one of our neighborhood dogs Anna Banana chasing three deer across the road. I looked over at my son and said "do you think Anna B will catch them", he looked at me and said "Dad she is doing the best she can". I admit there was humor in that moment but wait till you hear what happened next. Out of the woods just ahead of us Anna B was high tailing it across the road, this time the three deer were chasing her, I looked over my son and said "now she is doing the best she can".

You see we all have so much more in us, but for some odd reason we have been conditioned to believe our limits not our potential. Anna B was never going to catch the deer when she was doing the chasing because she was not putting forth maximum effort, however when the roles were reversed and she was fighting for her life she discovered a potential she never knew she had. What about you?

If you believe in God, as I am sure you do, then please do not place limits on what he placed inside you. Never allow family, friend, church, or even yourself to place a cap on your dreams. You truly were born to make an impact on the lives of so many and it is up to you to utilize every opportunity to do so. We cannot go to our grave with our music still in us. To be the most responsible people we can possibly be for ourselves, our children, our communities, and our family, it is imperative that we unleash our potential without fear of making mistakes. Stop looking backwards because you are not going that way. Stop with all the excuses that you have accepted over the discourse of time. This is your life and it is very important to live it. You know all those things you have always wanted to do? You better go do it, there are only so many tomorrows. The world needs you at your best. God didn't create you to be subpar, oh no, you were created because you were, still are, and always will be the greatest miracle the world has ever seen. When you unleash your potential you discover one more fascinating thing. You will become a better husband, wife, mother, father, teacher, lover, and anything else you chose to do. When we unleash our potential we will find that every aspect of life is enhanced far beyond our wildest dreams. Many will put forth an effort to hold you back, but once you embark on the journey your greatest days lie ahead.

peace be with you
Dale Childress


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