Highway to hell

This is a blog I started a few weeks ago and never finished it. Beings it has not been proofed and it has no ending it might seem difficult to follow. I chose to publish it simply because life at times is hard to follow as well. See if you can gain some nuggets from this simple unfinished blog post.

Do you ever feel like you are on the highway to hell? Others see your life as sailing along on cruise control yet deep inside you are one miserable human being. I was fortunate enough to spend some time with a friend a few weeks ago that shared his disdain for life. He wasn't comfortable in his own skin anymore. From my vantage point his career was amazing, yet in his eyes his passion for his job had grown cold. His health was deteriorating as was his relationships with family and friends. He was a mess internally but externally everything trudged along.

I asked my friend where he thought things went wrong? He, like most, wasn't sure what happened, it just happened. He didn't know what love felt like anymore, he didn't feel needed, his life had no purpose, so he thought. This started a series of events that literally buried him in emotional hell. After our conversation my thoughts begin to swirl as to how many people find themselves in this crazy quagmire with little to no hope for escape.

Life is so dynamic yet we try so hard to live it static. I think (just my thoughts) that we try to live a life according to what society has set out for us instead of giving ourselves permission to live out our passion. Granted as we grow through this dynamic life our passion and purpose could change many times. Not only that but our relationships and love can change as well. Where we were yesterday may not be where life will be tomorrow. We have to have courage to allow ourselves to grow and change or life will become cold and stale. This is often where depression eases its way into our path.

Look at your life as a box of crayons and you get to color it any beautiful way you choose. That would be cool if it really were that way wouldn't it? Remember this my friends, we are all broken but last time I checked broken crayons color to. It is time we pick up the pieces of our lives, get out of the quick sand, take a deep breath, and with one last push lets get out of the way of the freight train that is heading our way. We will not be brought down any longer by people that have self centered interest. This is YOUR life and it is time you live it.

peace and love


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