Get in the Game

Decisions, decisions, decisions. Everything seems to need our thought process in order to complete a task. Is there ever a time we can just let our mind rest while we are awake. Normally, I sit here at my computer, and throw my ideas of abstract reality toward my fingers in the hopes my brain allows them to type out my thoughts. Funny thing though, there are times when my message I intend to convey comes out as something very different. My decision to write did not line up with the decision my brain made in the delivery of the topic I chose to share. Sounds confusing doesn't it? Guess what, that is life.

All I wanted to do was watch the game. I tuned out the elements surrounding me so as to enjoy the play by play heart pounding action on the big screen. Watching the chess match between coaches verses the checkers (non qualified) playing out in my head. Yes, I was coaching, quarter backing, blocking, kicking, and running the ball, all from the comfort of my easy chair. I knew all the right plays, all the right questions, and heck I even had all the right answers. But, I wasn't playing the game was I, for me it was just a fantasy, yet reality was playing out right before my eyes.

The ambient feel was amazing. It was a nice cool evening, slight wind, and a beautiful overcast. I sit quietly in my vehicle, radio off, just absorbing the silent cry of the night. I made the conscientious decision to just drive a few minutes and see if I could silence my mind long enough to clearly hear what my heart and soul was saying. What seemed like hours was merely seconds. My thoughts varied from hopeless to hopeful, sadness to joy, and tears to smiles, all in the course of one short ride. I needed answers but struggled to find the right questions. Yes the ride of life is real however there are times we catch ourselves living it out in fantasy.

Suddenly I began to notice the stunning artwork of the clouds, moon, and stars. It wasn't a story book cartoon picture, this was real, all I had to do was open my eyes and witness the portrait being painted before me. Why haven't I always chose to see the beauty on display all around me? Why now are my eyes being opened?

I had decisions to make, as we all do. I could look up and see the clouds blocking the awesome display of the universe, or I could see the gorgeous mosaic taking shape in the sky with the use of all the elements God had placed in my sight. Admittedly this message has an abstract tone, esoteric in nature, yet incredible all the same. You may ask, how does this silly conglomeration of words have any application in my life. Let's see if it does. Decisions, decisions. Remember the eyes are useless when the mind is blind. What do you see when you look around or even more important what do you see when you look in the mirror. Do you see hope or hopelessness?

No one is going to show up at your house or walk into your life and make your dreams come true. It is a decision only you can make. You can look around and see the path of destruction and debris that life has left in your wake, or you can be thankful that you can even look around. You can stop for a moment and silence the ramblings that are tearing away at your ability to see the goodness in everything or you can continue on the course of allowing the nasty noise of the doomsayers and naysayers control your every movement. Life is chess match that all too often is played out like a game of checkers. Remember to fully live is the rarest thing on earth, most people simply exist.

Here's the deal, do you even know what you want or what you truly believe? Do your actions line up with your questions about life? I write to allow my mind to relax so I can explore the depths of this amazing thing we call life. There was a time I allowed my religion to control my thoughts, then I realized that God gave me the freedom to find who I was as well as who I could be. I struggle to this day with finding what I want, yet I have found some comfort in what I believe. I deeply desire for the world to be free of hate, jealousy, and bitterness. In my utopia I see a place of open expressions of love being shared by people that pushed each other to be the best they can be. I can't speak for your life, but I can say this with confidence. Your outward expressions do not reflect the inward person that inhabits your body. Your thoughts, your dreams DO NOT line up with what you portray. Think about it for a minute please.

You know yourself better than anyone. Only you can feel the flutters in your heart and the hurt in your soul. The path you trek is yours and yours alone. Life isn't just about the hopes, dreams, and fantasies that play out in our head. It has to have an element of reality that brings those feelings and thoughts out and on the field of play.  There comes a time we have to get off the bench and get in the game. Obviously there is time still on the clock, because you are reading this message. Make a decision, call a play, get in the game, go for the win. In the game of life you are the player and the coach. You run the ball, you get tackled, you get hurt, you get back up, and you either go for it all or you walk back to the bench. Yes you will suffer heartbreaks, confusion, letdowns, etc, however when you give it all you got you will also experience the awesome reward of victory. Love will find it's way into your life as will the peaceful easy feeling that accompanies it. Never ever quit, as long as time is on the clock, we still have a game to play.

God didn't create you to follow the crowd, you were created to stand out. Sometimes when you choose to stand out you may be standing alone, but that is cool because that is when you find out that you can do it. We have all been abused, misused and lied too, not by others, but by ourselves. We have convinced ourselves that we are limited in the ability to pursue our dreams. Trust me God didn't bring you this far to leave you. The music in your heart is waiting to be sung, please do not allow the lovely melody to die with you. Sing it loud, sing it with confidence, be heard, be a true expression of self. Let your cup overflow.

In closing, I know this message seems to be rambling all over the place. Let' me try to bring some type of summation to it. Dig deep into your heart, if there is a person you desire to meet, a place you hope to go, an action you want to do, by all means do it. There are only so many tomorrows yet only one today. Don't let your true love get away, don't let your bucket list go unchecked, live live live. Make the decision that your life is worth so much more than you have been conditioned to believe. People tend to place the same value on your life as you do, so please raise your price and others will begin to see the higher value in you. Go after that pot at the end of rainbow, because there really is one. Believe without a shadow of a doubt that you are good enough.

peace and love


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