To some extent we place every facet of our lives in boxes. Why we create such limits I'll never know, but none the less we do. We decide that our dreams are too crazy, our hopes are too high, our abilities are too low, our age restricts us, our health eliminates us, and our finances disqualify us. We, and in some cases, external factors place us in boxes that we simply refuse to get out of. We love to be held back, that way we never have to face the awesome feeling of passionate purposeful living due to living a life without limits.

Even our so called religions build little boxes that we must fit our lives into. To be this or that, we must act like so and so. If we want to get to heaven, we must follow the rules. Step outside the box your religion so comfortably sets you in and risk eternal condemnation. We go so far as to place God in his on little box. If you don't believe it just listen to yourself sometimes as you have a conversation about faith, religion, or spirituality. We speak authoritatively, as though we are the voice of God. Yet in that voice we create limits on our creator that fit the objective we are attempting to convey.

Let me share a silly yet useful analogy. A water bottle weighs 16.9 \ounces. Certainly not heavy by any standard. If you extended your arm horizontally with the water bottle in your hand, over a period of time your arm would give out due to the weight of the water. But HOLD ON, the water bottle never changed, did it? Then why did the burden get so heavy? Think about that as it relates to any area of your life that you set limits too. Eventually the weight of your burden gets so heavy that all hopes and dreams fade. We have allowed our lives to be lived in a box, beside the box of the God we thought we believed in. The walls of the box could be the water in bottle, the weight over time is like a stone crushing your little protective cover.

I love to live my life on the edge, I like to feel the adrenaline of pushing the limits. I absolutely refuse to place my life in a box and I sure as heck will never allow the God, my creator, to be placed in a box. I believe that we are all capable of so much more than we allow ourselves to believe, yet we compartmentalize ourselves in such a way that even the lightest load over time gets heavy.

I want you to try something. Start talking to yourself, daily, like you would someone that you love. WAIT, WHAT, why would I talk to myself that way? See, you struggle to even get out of that box, don't you. It's time to STOP burdening yourself with all those terrible thoughts about what you think you can't do. Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, is impossible until it's done. Just look at a book of world records, they constantly get broken, yet we always hear someone say, that record will never get broken. God created us to do amazing things. Our body is designed for accomplishment, but we will never be able to get the value out if we fight so hard to keep the lid on the little box we so comfortably choose to live in.

Granted, I'll admit, it's much easier to whine, bitch, and moan, than it is to accept responsibility for the life you have been given. Seriously, come on now, BLAME is the flavor of the week, and victim mentality is the juice of the year. Stop for a few minutes and scroll through social media. I bet you will find NO SHORTAGE of post where people are victimizing themselves while blaming others for their plight in life. What good does that do? Tremendous amount of good, it keeps you locked in your box of doom forever. Heck you might be one of those people that loves to post things that blames everyone else but you.

Here you go, if you want to FLY HIGH and explore the limitless life your GOD of NO LIMITS has given you, start knocking down walls and building bridges. STOP seeing yourself as a victim in your self imposed pity prison and see yourself as a victor overcoming obstacles, building strength, expressing love, and for gosh sakes throwing those boxes away.

There is light at the end of the tunnel, there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, there is love in your heart, there is hope in your soul, and there is a life waiting to be lived. Please, get out of your box, believe that God created you to be so much more than you ever believed. You have no limits, WHY CAN I SAY THAT? Because I believe with all my heart God needs you to live outside of the box, not inside it. God needs you to bring love and hope back into your community. God needs you to rise up and be the best version of yourself possible. God needs you to be the leader in restoring hope to the hopeless, dreams to the desperate, and vision to the blind. Your life matters, oh yes, it sure as hell does. Right this minute it doesn't matter what your past is about. That is behind you, what lies ahead are possibilities beyond your wildest imagination. Get out of the box, take off your victim coat, shed the mental blame game and LIVE, no no THRIVE. This is the only life you have, so please do yourself and God a favor, LIVE IT.

God Bless


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