Little Glass Houses

I bet your heart yearns desperately to be able to just be yourself. Seriously think about that for a minute. No one, and I mean NO ONE knows us like we know ourselves. Sure, people see the facade we put on during our daily walk through life, but the little secrets that occupy the recesses of our mind belong strictly to us. See my metaphorical title "Little Glass Houses" isn't about what others see in us, it is about what we see in ourselves. Let's take a journey.

We all fight our emotions, feelings, faith, our passion, purpose, we all struggle to be open and honest with ourselves. In that attempt to be honest we can't even give ourselves permission to strip down naked and see the real person that lives inside our body. Breaking through the little glass house we live in is detrimental to seeing and becoming who we truly are, so our mind has to concoct lies to keep us enslaved. Why is it so freaking complicated to just tune our hearts and minds together? Maybe it is conditioning from external factors. We are taught to act and react in certain ways depending on what we are dealing with. When we begin to step outside those tight constraints we have allowed society to place on us anxiety creeps in. Once that happens we start to question everything. No longer is our mind telling our heart the truth and our heart is also lying to our mind. No wonder we find ourselves so lost and confused. We seek answers in books, religion, movies, even people we trust to give us wisdom. Yet everything leaves us short of the self discovery that is holding us back. I know this makes sense to you.

You have feelings you know you shouldn't have, BUT YOU DO. We are taught that those feelings are wrong, yet they are there. We hold the key to the little secrets locked away in the back room of our heart. Every now and then when we find a private moment we unlock those emotions and relive them, if only briefly. Our heart races, our emotions stir, our mind drifts away, but then it all comes to a halt and we lock it away once again. It hurts doesn't it? Was it a mistake or was it a lesson. I guess as long as it is hidden no one will ever know. See you do know exactly what I'm talking about, don't you? It's those taboo feelings that make us who we are, yet we fight tooth and nail to hide those emotions.

We can't see in ourselves what others see, nor can they see in us what we see. Admittedly living a life with a morale compass that has us fit into a box society has built places huge restrictions on our ability to find and discover who we are. BUT, who is willing to step out of the box and shatter the little glass house we live in. Trust me it is so easy to say, I'm not scared to push the limits, or what you see is what you get, or my favorite, I am who I am, take it or leave it. All this is 100% fake and you know it. No one, and I repeat with emphasis NO ONE ever exposes themselves completely. We all live in some kind of fear that holds us back from being the best version of ourselves possible. I ask myself daily, why in the heck can't people be honest with their feelings without having to face bitterness, jealousy, anger, social media backlash, etc. Why can't we learn to love others and ourselves for who we are? The answer to that isn't so simple, first we have to expose to ourselves who we really are. We can run for a lifetime and the outcome is guaranteed to be one of depression and sadness. Can you imagine your potential if you just stopped running, looked in the mirror, said "we are in this together, I love you, we've got this, let's do it". Sounds good, but the truth is more than likely in the next paragraph.

If you find yourself running in place, stuck in the mud, going through the motions, standing still, retreating, or worse giving up, then please keep reading. It is time to slay the dragon, open the blinds, pull back the curtains and expose yourself to yourself. I know, believe me, I do, this all sounds crazy. Well maybe it is, but gosh darn what if little by little you are able to pull back the curtains, pull up the shades, open the windows, and someday shatter the walls in the glass house that keeps your heart on the outside and your mind on the inside. Wouldn't it be awesome to experience a unified self. Just think, if our heart and mind lined up I bet you the soul would catch fire and your life would be soaring to new heights. Face your fears, and if the fear doesn't go away, then do it afraid, but DO IT.

I want to close with something interesting. The mind is formed by what it takes in, so please be careful what you allow to enter into your space. Even more important, we attract the energy we put out, if you constantly spew negatives or see the world as some horrible place, you will attract liked minded people. If you desire to escape, shatter, and tear down the little glass house that contains your potential it is important that you surround yourself with love as well as people that lift you up not push you down. Believe me it is out there in abundance. I could write about this for days but like all things it has to come to an end. Please see the goodness that is within you, never doubt your worthiness, you are GOOD ENOUGH, believe it. God absolutely created you to do amazing things. To reach that potential and see and feel the passionate purpose that awaits, accept that who you are is wonderful indeed. All the dents, dings, and cracks make you beautiful beyond words. Go forth, shatter that glass house and let your heart and mind fall in love with each other. You have everything to gain.

Peace and love


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