Ugly Yet so Beautiful

My goal was to write this blog through the eyes of people that others deem physically ugly, handicapped, social misfits, or the kid that always got picked last at school. The more I researched this via in person discussions, emails or real life experience, the more I realized how deep the wounds can be when someone feels left out, stared at, or worse, gossiped about.

It didn't take me long to grasp the scope of what I was embarking on. It's so easy to have solutions when the problems belong to someone else. Most will say things like "trust me I know how THEY feel", but the reality is, you have no idea. Even if you attempt to place yourself in one of the above categories, believe me, there is still an abundance of pain that you can't imagine.

There are no shortage of words that healthy beautiful people use to lift up or encourage the cast out. I will tell you, for the most part, those words fall on deaf ears, as they should. So, you may ask, to those that cannot relate to the one's in the categories listed, what's the point of trying, if no one is listening. My response is fairly simple, no one is really trying.

In the religious realm, many would say that God created everyone equal, but that is the furthest thing from the truth. If the God, as described, by the Christian or faith community exist, then there is a huge piece of the puzzle missing. Why do kids in third world countries live terrible lives, in horrific conditions, until they die of starvation? One might respond with, is that God's fault? Why are some people born physically ugly, handicapped, or misfits? Did God do that to them, so everyone else would appreciate the life they have? Why are some singled out to live beautiful lives, while others are not? Sure, you can make yourself feel better at this point by saying something like "we all have a cross to bare or we all have issues that we struggle to deal with". That is true, but the above mentioned have those same issues as you plus their natural born problems.

During my discussions over the last few months people enjoyed citing examples of the handicapped that have thrived despite their physical limitations. Yes there are amazing inspiring stories that I love to listen to about the 1% that have overcome, however there is still that 99% that suffers quietly.
Whats the point of this blog you may be asking. If all I am doing is elevating how we view others, is there really a purpose beyond what I have said thus far. To that I say, absolutely.

I have brought you on this little journey to draw out instead of you keeping yourself locked in. I use the above categories simply because what they deal with is visible. It is a part of their daily walk through life that they cannot escape. They face it every minute they are alive, which that in and of itself gives them a power over their problems few can understand. While you fear to face the demons that limit your life. Your ugliness may be internal, your handicap may not be visible, your misfit attitude is  not on public display because you hide your true identity to the point of depression.
As I was asking a lady about this topic last week we had a wonderful soulful talk, midway through she just stopped and said "I have no idea why I am even trying to discuss this, my life is such a mess and no one even knows it". Wow that was a powerful moment and so real. Internally is your life a mess? Are you carrying around burdens you fear to face?

I knew then, that I was on to something big. It's time we see only the beauty in every human being, including ourselves. It's time we face the music, embrace who we are, even with all our dents and dings, and let's take the power away from our internal disabilities and give power to the person God created us to be. We are all misfits trying to fit into a colorless world. It's time to break the chains of bondage grab some crayons and give our life a new look by coloring way outside the lines. Give power to the person God loves, give love to the person God created, give light to the heart that resides in you. Let's destroy hate so we can make room for love. Yesterday is gone forever, never to return. Forgive everyone that has harmed you and forgive yourself for harming others. Yes your halo doesn't shine any brighter than anyone else's. Your sins may be different than their sins, but they are still sins, none the less. So open your heart and allow the power of forgiveness to put love back into your soul.

Remember different doesn't mean wrong, it means opportunity. We cannot live up to our potential by living in a colorless world. It is our differences that should create a climate for love, but only if we allow it. That's right, it isn't up to the other person, it's up to us.

This is your life and no one can live it for you. At this stage of the blog, there is one question left. Why did I mention the starving kids that live horrific lives? It's simple, we know the problems in the world, they were not created by God, they are man made. The fix is for each of us to understand the depth and power of love. When our focus is love then and only then can the problems of the world be fixed. Whining, bitching, and moaning only puts distance between the problem and the solution. If you want to make a difference in your life and the world around you dig deep and let LOVE be your guide. Just think what would happen if you put your ugliness on public display. It might force you to embrace, acknowledge, and overcome. It's time to face your internal disabilities, use them as stepping stones to the life of love that awaits you. We are all in this together and with love together we shall conquer.

God bless


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