Life is Worth Living

Life certainly is dynamic, even when we hope and pray it stays static. Most people loathe the thought of change, yet change is an integral part of the human experience. As we cling to "things staying the same", the world around us is ever evolving. That creates a burden that over time weighs heavily on our life. Is it fear that pins us down, if so, how do we move to a higher plane of existence so we can segue towards a spiritual and emotional freedom that brings a sanguine feeling to only a few people.

I think to find any answers outside of the tried and true worn out psychological cliches that bring us text book solutions we must open the window that has been closed for generations. I use the term generations because in my non professional opinion many of the issues we face came about as we were forced to adapt to a societal norm that protected a static existence instead of encouraging a dynamic life that places us in line with the world around us.

Consider some burdens you carry. Let's say you have a core curiosity that sets you at odds with your family religion or faith. In your eyes that is a burden you feel you must carry, even though privately you desire to have a better understanding of spirituality as it relates to God, life, death, and the universe.

I have had people write to me over the years sharing amazing yet sad love stories. Stories about abusive relations, not always physical, but emotional. Where as people were controlled, bullied, talk down too, told they were not worthy of being loved, and on and on. Then as one woman shared with me, she met a wonderful man that stole her heart simply because he treated her with kindness. The burden she carried wasn't the guilt for feeling love towards another, oh no no. The burden was the pressure by family, friend, and clergy to remain in a horrible marriage because it was ordained by God. I have had countless stories like this shared with me. Call it fear, or call it what you want. Every situation is different so please do not add to the burden these people are holding by your core beliefs if they add to the burden they are already carrying.

One of the biggest burdens that I hear from others is the feeling that their life never amounted to much and at this point it is hopeless. As most of you know that is my passion, hence why I write blogs. All burdens lock us away so as to keep us from our amazing potential, but the feeling that our lives don't amount to much is heavier than most. It is probably a combination of many such burdens that bring us to the point in life to where we just go with the flow. Each day is the same, the routine seldom changes. The goal is just to get through life with as little discomfort as possible. How did we get to that point? I bet that is a question you ask yourself many times per week. 

I have heard some explain it away in what I will ridiculous terms such as "have faith, God has something in store for you". Or some silly lines similar to that, you know what I mean. Let me be clear about something in my once again non professional opinion. God is NOT living your life nor mine. We were given breath to live, make decisions, learn, grow, develop, love, etc. I do believe that God placed certain things in our heart that can and should be watered so they can help us grow into a beautiful flower. But to sit back and wait for God places us in direct contrast or should I say totally opposite of what the universe is doing. Remember the world around you is dynamic NOT static. If God did control your life, he/she would not expect you to waste it sitting on the sidelines.

My passion is to LIVE, I mean really LIVE. Go to great lengths to explore, develop, and extol all the wonderful qualities you possess. There in lies the place where your passion resides. Seek and you shall find, knock and the door shall be opened. I am using that in relation to your life, not your faith. As your fire for living enhances and your passion becomes clearer your purpose for living will illuminate in ways you never thought possible. Your spirituality will grow to new heights,  your love for humanity and self will be elevated to a much higher degree, your understanding of burdens that are carried by others will hold a much deeper meaning. To put it bluntly your life will be awakened.

It all starts with action. You can't win the game from the sidelines, you have to risk something and jump in and play. There is NO reward in life without risk. Take the risk or lose the chance. Your life is worth so much more than you will ever know. This isn't the time to die before you are dead. This is the time to LIVE. Life is a high stakes poker game, the only way to win is to play the hand.

I hope as you read through my blogs you at least start considering the fact that your life has more meaning than you desired to believe. Fear has held you back. The feeling to fall in line and conform has put you in the back of the pack, but the race is just beginning. Some one else may have helped write your book of life to this point but starting today only you hold the pen. It's time to color outside the lines, believe the impossible possible, venture into deep waters, believe without a shadow of a doubt that you deserve to be loved and you have lots of love to give.

It's time to let go of the burdens that have held you back. Cut loose the things that are weighing you down. Surround yourself with people that lift you up. You still have time, I know that because you are still alive. Have such a deep love for yourself, others, God, and the world around you. When you put love first, the burdens go away, the walls come down. the limits are removed, dreams return, hope is stored, and life can finally be lived. YOU ARE ALWAYS ONE DECISION AWAY FROM A TOTALLY DIFFERENT LIFE. MAKE THAT DECISION TODAY!

I would love to hear from all of you, please feel free to write me anytime

God bless


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