They were wrong!

What happens when we reach the limits of our human understanding? Is that where we place or invoke God in our lives? If we can't explain something, yet we know it exists, that must mean a higher power was somehow involved. Right? Not so quick.

Hundreds of years ago the absolute truth of the universe was how it was depicted in Genesis. That made explaining it to others rather simple. No one knew any different, so everyone could cling to the Bible as the literal truth of creation. Oh but wait, as the enlightenment age come to be and we humans begin to discover that maybe just maybe Genesis got it wrong, the religions of the world had to find ways to hold it all together. As the years passed and the limits of our minds continued to expand the challenge to explain creation became daunting. What was once absolute literal truth, because the Bible says so, was now bringing it all into question.

What did all the great theologians do? They changed the way the taught. Instead of teaching that the Bible was the literal truth, it now became a story with life lesson applications inspired by the hand of God. Jump ahead to current times. With so much information at our fingertips, we have found ways to push the limits of our minds to the edge of amazing new discoveries. What was once considered true without a shadow of a doubt, is now questioned at every level.

Let's apply this to our lives. We believe, incorrectly mind you, that we have limits. We know we have limits because we have been told that we do. The fascinating thing, as well as depressing, is that we see, read, and hear about all the awesome things being invented or discovered every day, BY SOMEONE ELSE. It is always someone else doing the great things, why? Because we are limited, flawed individuals. We can't, but someone else can, that is what your mind keeps telling you. It is time to push past the limits you have allowed yourself and others to impose on you. It is time to boldly go where no man has gone before (love that Star Trek quote).

As physicist discover the secrets of the universe, it is time for you to discover the potential in your life. Remember hundreds of years ago the world as they knew it was created in six days and consisted of very little. Thank goodness today we know and believe that the universe is much more vast than our human minds can comprehend. So to is our ability to live way beyond the limits we have placed on ourselves. What is holding you back?

I guess we could write books about that question, but to boil it down to it's simplest point, the answer is ourselves. We fear to tread into new worlds. We are literally scared to death to open Pandora's Box because then we have to own what comes out. It is fear that holds us back, nothing else. We are limitless in our ability to create the impossible. The limits are the walls we build around our minds. At this stage of the blog, it seems as though we must identify the elephant in the room. You either have the desire to push your potential to the limits and live out the dreams that are planted in your heart OR you can stay on track and live out the excuses that you have chosen to believe.

Every day someone somewhere discovers new worlds and new possibilities to push the human limits so far beyond what has ever deemed possible. It just goes to show that we are capable of so much more than we have been taught to believe. Yes, THEY were wrong, when THEY said you couldn't do this or that. Yes THEY were wrong, when THEY said, it was impossible. Yes THEY were wrong, when THEY said you should just be happy with what you have. Yes THEY were totally wrong, when THEY said that it is crazy to pursue extravagant dreams, because you will only be disappointed.

I say dream big, dare to believe something amazing is about to happen in your life. Never be disappointed when you try. Keep trying, keep pushing, keep dreaming. The only limits you have are the limits you believe. Do not die before you are dead. Live this life, get all you can out of it. You were born to win and win you shall do.

Peace be with you


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