Living the Dream or Dreams I'll never see

At what point does our life, dreams, and ambitions hit critical mass? That moment when we are planning more than doing. You know the ole cliche "paralysis by analysis". You are doing the minimal amount of activity to keep the dreams alive as well as sustain some semblance of life. At least with this attitude you have the ability to create really cool excuses as to why you are standing still instead of powering ahead.

We were not created to live forever, I think everyone realizes that. However, we were created to LIVE. The plausible question would be "what is living".Obviously that answer will be different depending on who you asked. But for the sake of conversation I would almost guarantee that many reading this are not living up to their potential. Not due to circumstances or ability but because of a lack of belief in self. That is our critical mass. We do enough to get by, but not much more.

Before you get your claws out, trust me, I know how busy life is. I realize how over extended we've become and when we get that free moment it is as if we are guilty for relaxing long enough to sharpen the ax. Hopefully by now I have your attention. Without a doubt you have no idea where this blog is going, you just know it is going, right.

I met a man recently that claimed to be an atheist. Naturally, beings I attended a Christian church his assumption was that  I was a theist. We engaged in wonderful back and forth as to why we both held the positions we did. The deeper we got into our dialogue the clearer something became. The something was this: how much of your life is dedicated or devoted to a belief system that you do not understand? Are you being guided by an outside force that you have created? Please, this is not the time to jump to conclusions. This is the time to reflect on how and why your life is where it is. Most people settle into a life to where they are TOLD emphatically what to believe. No need to research facts to solidify a certain position just have faith that what you are hearing is correct. If this is where you find yourself, currently, it will be near impossible to give life to the dreams you once held near and dear to your heart. It requires breaking free from that which binds you.

During our terse exchange we agreed to not use the Bible as a weapon or a defense. This leveled the playing field in more ways than I expected. At this juncture I had to rely on knowledge, heart, as well as soulful innate LOVE of life. I could write an expose about our conversation but that isn't what I desire to discuss. This is about me comprehending that living is so much more than breathing. This reminds me of all the amazing people I met during my battle with cancer. So many agreed that they didn't start living until they were told they are dying. 

Reflecting back I can see with clarity all the times I allowed my BELIEF to get in the way of my growth. It was an excuse rather than a motivator. You've heard me say before that the average person dies around the age of 25 they just aren't buried till they are much older. What causes us to die at such a young age yet keep on breathing for years to come? When did you die from an emotional or spiritual death? Seriously, please do not just rush past this question. Why did you give up on your dreams? Why did or do you martyr yourself? Why do you seek justification for your lack of action? WHY WHY WHY. You are ALIVE so dang it LIVE. No one can live your life for you. Take chances, risk something, get out of your comfort zone. Get on the edge and breath in the crisp pure air.

It's true, you have reached critical mass in your life. The crossroads are before you. Which ever road you choose will demand that you increase your activity. Sitting still, however, does allow you to remain as is with little to no hope of rekindling the dreams you have robbed the oxygen from. If you believe in a God, hopefully you also believe in yourself. This life is yours and yours alone. You are the only person that will be with you the rest of your days. You can lie, cheat, steal, or starve out the hopes that live in you or you can give life to them. No one and I mean NO ONE is going to walk into your life and make your dreams come true. It is up to you. The road ahead is waiting. It will be filled with speed bumps, pot holes, curves, hills, valleys, and debris. BUT it is also the way to LIFE. Nothing wonderful could or should come easy. It takes effort. Few will take the road less traveled. Most will sit frozen in time while the remaining sands in the hour glass slip away.

What are you willing to do to awaken your dreams? Regardless of how beat up, bruised, shattered, crushed, or hurt your heart is, it is still beating. With every beat you can get weaker or stronger. There are those that would love to see you fail yet there are also those that believe you have what it takes to make a profound difference. I am a believer in you as well as me. You are far too smart to be the only thing standing in your way. RISE UP, REV IT UP, MOVE AHEAD. Your life is waiting to be lived.

peace and blessings
Dale Childress


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