Power and Presence

To say Cindy was having a bad day was an understatement. She was in search of relief, for her sake and everyone around her. Thank goodness April came through with some of her wonderful prescription happy pills. Soon Cindy was calm and was able to navigate through the tumult of the day. The power of the pill when it is present in your day is remarkable. 

Cindy was in awe of how calm and cool the pills were and how much easier it made it to deal with the struggles in her life. With her new found appreciation for this wonder drug Cindy decided to make an appointment with her family physician and explain to her all the problems she was facing in hopes of obtaining her own source of relief. The physician did in fact write her a prescription for the drug with the explanation to only use it when needed. In the doctors eyes 30 pills should easily last one year or more, so no refills were included. 

Needless to say Cindy enjoyed the feeling so much that every day she convinced herself that she needed the pill to deal with life complexities. Within a few short weeks her supply was gone and her family friendly physician had no interest in furthering her supply. Luckily for Cindy she found sources on the street that were more than happy to help in her time of need. Soon Cindy was dependent, broke, and in serious trouble. The pill that once helped her survive the day by putting her in control, now had total power over her. 

Due to her volatile mood swings and lack of dependability Cindy was released from her job of 14 years. She had used and abused her family and friends to the point they all stayed at arms length. Everyone saw the destructive force claiming Cindy's life, yet no one could stop the power of it's presence. 

Cindy entered a rehab program and in 6 months was clean, healthy, and ready to renter life. No longer did the pill have POWER in her present. She learned to live in the NOW, to live for today, to learn the trigger points that attempted to steal her present from her. Cindy was back in the land of the living. Keep in mind the pill has not lost any of it's POWER, it has just lost it's presence in her life.

Let's use this as a metaphor for your life, but I want to spin it around, flip it on it's head, and show you what power and presence can mean in for you.

Cindy was once very involved in her community as a volunteer for child protective services. Anyone that knew her admired her love and determination to help these kids have a chance in life. Cindy truly gave them hope. Her presence in their lives gave them a power they otherwise would not have had. That power came through genuine acts of love. Even though Cindy drifted away from her passionate volunteer work, the power of her LOVE was always there, yet it's presence wasn't. 

Think about your passions in life, the things and people you love. That is a power innate in you from your creator. The power of it's purpose never leaves but sad to say it's presence does. The power of LOVE will always be the greatest force the world has ever known but for some reason the presence of LOVE seems to be growing colder each and every day. We can blame it on anything or anyone but the stark reality is, that it takes us to put the power back in the present. 

It is so easy to get side tracked with all the noise in our lives. It is so difficult to tune out the static that we finally adjust our receptors to include the distraction. The power in the melodies never changes but our ability to dial it in does. We have lost so much of our presence by tuning out the power of LOVE that continues to seek a way in. The beautiful sounds of music are still there, but our ability to hear is not. Static drowns out the harmonious arrangements that puts warmth in our hearts and robs us of the power to bring peace to our present. 

As you meditate on what is written in these words please remember this. The POWER of love has not and will not ever change, but the presence of it will. If you desire to have LOVE back in your life so as to rekindle the flame that burns your passion, it has to start with you. Be the love you hope to see in the world. Be someone that makes others believe in the goodness of people again. Be the hope when someone is hopeless, be the sunshine in someone's cloudy day,  be the breath when someone is breathless, and most of all be the forgiving heart to those you think are heartless. It is you that can put the power of LOVE back in the present. Be open and honest with yourself. You are always one decision away from a totally different life. Within that decision you will find the ability to tune out the noise and tune in the amazing ability that will restore the POWER in your PRESENT.

In closing, my friend Cindy (not her real name) has made a career as a child advocate. Her amazing love has brought power to the present for so many. Not only has Cindy remained free from drugs she has also used her on story as inspiration for others. 

God bless


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