Authenticity Pure and Simple

I can't begin to tell you how many times I have said, right here in this blog, that I am going to start writing authentically from the heart. My intentions are well founded, yet for some reason I grossly fail. It's as if I am embarrassed about the things I think about. Maybe there is a crime for thoughts that I am working diligently to avoid. Regardless, I am determined to keep trying. It is impossible to live fully ALIVE if you are constantly hiding from your true self.

My friend Chris Smith and I, founded Manor Road Studio a couple months ago. The goal was simple, create podcast that encourages people to live their lives fully and authentically. The problem, however, was that we, ourselves, were not doing what we were discussing. That caused us to step back and reevaluate exactly what our resolve was. Did we or do we have the courage to be ourselves.

At this juncture I'll speak on behalf of myself only. A few years back I discovered,  what I'll call the secret of life, so simple yet so complex. If you are on the edge of your seat awaiting some verbose revelation, sorry to say it is not happening. For me the secret of life is connecting the brain with the heart and soul. When we allow each of those entities to align or life becomes efflorescent. The brain holds the accumulation of knowledge, while the heart has emotion and feeling. That leaves the soul which is in constant search for our passionate God given purpose. Divided, leaves our lives wandering aimlessly yet united we become the heartbeat of humanity.

You may be asking yourself right now, what the hell was holding me back all those years. See, most people live and believe that they are authentic, yet that is so far from the truth. Let me just say here and now. There is no reward for living a life below what you are capable of living. Our potential has no limits when we remove the shackles we have placed on ourselves. I had those chains locked down tight as a tick and wondered why I wasn't living my dreams. Then one day it all changed.

As most of you know my journey of discovery got on the fast track six years ago when I walked away from organized religion. That was a decision I have absolutely no regrets about. BUT, I still find myself bound by the indoctrination religion forged in my life. Please notice, I said my life, not anyone else's. My passion has always been to bring hope to the hopeless. My struggle was attempting to do so within the confines of religiosity. I subconsciously was allowing my religious beliefs to create a chasm between my doctrinal actions and my love for humanity. I knew for me to ever live my potential and work towards my passionate purpose I had to somehow break those restraints.

The stones that block our escape are not religious for everyone. Some people feel locked into careers, relationships, social groups, or cities in which you live. These impediments are real if they are keeping you from living up to your potential. Taking action is where courage and risk come into play. I had the courage to walk away from organized religion in order to find my spiritual self. However, even to this day my actions display remnants of my former lifestyle. It isn't easy living an authentic life but it is vitally important. Not only to ourselves but to the world around us. We are a huge part of the world in which we reside. We may not realize the importance of living up to our God given potential, but I assure it is crucial. Our actions impact so many other actions. It is like the butterfly effect. A butterfly can flap it's tiny little wings here in Jackson TN and  months from now and thousands of miles away and tsunami occurs. Small incidental actions stir amazing phenomenons all around us.

Your life matters so much more than you can imagine. Now as I fight to break the chains my goal for spirituality is to no longer allow myself to be labeled as a Christian I desire to be CHRIST LIKE. Think about the difference. When I was tied to a faith based claim such as christianity it became my excuse to blame others for practically everything. Once I released myself and strove to be CHRIST LIKE once and for all I could love everyone regardless of race, religion, creed or wealth without being bias

In closing please understand what was blocking my authenticity may not be what is holding you back from yours. Give yourself permission to seek find and unlock anything that is stopping you from real self discovery. Your dreams must be bigger than your excuses. Do not play the martyr card either. You are in the right place at the right time to come ALIVE. Look, I have stage four cancer with a grim prognosis yet I am just now learning to live ALIVE as authentically as I possibly can. You are way to smart to be the only thing holding you back.

God bless


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