Freedom to LIVE my life!
It has been a couple years since I have written a blog. Why? Well, that is a good question with a profound answer. The why, on the surface, seems simple. The truth is, however, is complex. WHY? I lost the courage to be authentic. Oh it's true, it's damn true. I really did. My search for self has been overwhelming the last few years. When my cancer returned July of 2018 it was either the beginning or the end. According to doctors it was the end, as for myself, it was a fresh start. While lying in a hospital bed briefly contemplating the brevity of life, I had an epiphany. I am dying and I never truly lived. Sure I have had a great life, filled with an abundance of blessings, but that doesn't mean I have lived my passionate purpose. So, I lay in the bed, tubes, monitors, and nurses everywhere. The light came on. No, not the light in the room, the mental light that illuminated my heart and soul glowed with intensity. I am ALIVE. So freaking act like it. This is my life, the...